Sunday, February 26, 2012


Ah reading week. The sweet respite from school.  Don't get me wrong, my schedule is incredibly wonderful, what with only having classes three days a week, and having the freedom to more or less come and go as I please, not to mention that intrinsic optimism that tells me to enjoy these scarce few final months of art school.  But I just can't seem to muster much motivation to continue making art, let alone applying for various shows and publications that would be well-suited to my practice.  So instead I put much of my effort into compiling a suitable list of TV series and movies that I want to download and watch, now that I have successfully finished watching the entirety of several shows (in order of viewing: Mad Men, Daria, The Big Bang Theory, The Walking Dead, and Roseanne- all since September.  Except Mad Men, I suppose.  That was last semester.)  And also I have stocked up on my yarn collection, as the only thing that I find more enjoyable than sitting in my bed and watching countless episodes of a program, is sitting in my bed watching episodes and knitting.  So yes.  I lack motivation to go on.  And I have to be at school tomorrow at 9 to set up for a group show.  But I digress.  This was by far my best reading week ever- the last three having spent holed up with 
a) the flu
b) a terrible cold/wisdom tooth extraction
c) strep throat. 
This year I spent a week in Oklahoma with my love visiting his family and generally eating everything and anything in sight.  We went off to Dallas for two days to view the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth (much to my chagrin the Lynda Benglis sculptures that I beyond love were sitting in storage collecting dust! FUCK!) and also to see some beautiful japanese botanical gardens.  So that was pretty cultural, I'd say.
Overall a fantastic week enjoying nice weather, sleeping in, shopping, antiquing, and eating tasty Southern fare.  
Back to work now.
Oh but first, a few snapshots of the gardens:

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