Thursday, January 12, 2012



Today is the best day ever! After enduring a brutalizing morning listening to a painful reading of the PRNT211: Intro to Intaglio (in-tal-ee-OH) course outline, and a stern warning from the frightening and flamboyant print technician regarding how everything in this room has the potential to kill or maim me, I made what I thought was a futile trip to the registrar's office, to see if there was any other elective that did not require (again!) painful technical demonstrations and safety lectures and equipment quizzes (note: I'd spent my entire past week stuck at home, ravaged by the effects of an unholy head cold, all the while searching the ends of the earth to locate an adequate drawing elective to replace the equally horrible friday Print on Cloth class: DRWG 203: Representations of Nature turned out to be my saving grace!)  Anyways, so after all of the trouble I went to, e-mailing teachers, and trying my luck with online registration, I thought I'd be up the creek.  But, as it turns out- and I've had two different registrar gals check and double check, followed up by a little investigative verification of my own, I DON'T NEED THIS CLASS ANYWAYS. Yep, I am happy to say that what with working hard, taking 5 classes per semester since first year, and a few transfer credits, I am a mere three courses away from graduation. That means TWO FREE DAYS. Of course, by "free days", I mean, working in my own studio, at my own leisure and pace, completing whatever the fuck I deem important on my to-do list.  And yes, that will also mean extra naps.
Hooray Hooray Hooray.
Plus, this is just further proof as to why I chose the right major: because painting can't kill me! Well, I suppose I could use copious amounts of Cadmium Red each and everyday forever to get a little heavy metal poisoning.  But all that really does is mess up your reproductive organs, and I hate babies anyways! Win-Win!

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