The good news is this: I am finally back in my studio. And after the first chat of the new year with my six-time studio instructor (it just worked out that I've taken his classes every semester since my second year!), and all-around favorite person ever, Jim, I am feeling much better about things. I am on the road to making things, and I think I've finally reached a decision to either take a year off, and try my hand at gettin' a foot in the door with the arts journalism community (though, this endeavor might prove easier said than done...), or look into post-BFA journalism programs at either SAIT or Mount Royal University. So that's good news. Plus I am currently stuffing my face with Swiss Chalet leftovers, which always makes me happy. It reminds me of this graphic novel I read called Skim, where the girl goes and hides from her classmates in an actual Swiss Chalet restaurant because everybody annoys her. I don't blame her one bit.
Soon I'll stop chronicling the inner-workings of my mind at try to get back to more professional-type postings. But alas, my brain is a total pastiche of thoughts and layers.
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