Wednesday, March 30, 2011

If this made a noise, what would it sound like?

March 30 2011

March 30 2011: March has been a very productive month.  I am making lots of films.  Here are some stills! (I just learned how to do screen-shots...I am overzealous.)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

insightful musings about art and pimpin'.

Ah, a momentary break from my laborious toil in pursuit of arts and completed homework (yeah, right...) to revel in the utter glory that is THIS GUY:

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Films! Videos! I'm slowly learning computers.
(I enjoy playing these all at once!)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Mother of the Monsters

My working artist statement is sort of like a creepy manifesto, written by a crazed and lonely individual; obsessed with ideas of like, sulphuric, bubbling, and regurgitative alien environments, inhospitable to human life force.

...My tinfoil helmet keeps my head warm.

click for easier reading
She will digest you whole