Monday, November 14, 2011

Omni: November 9, 2011

Here are some installation shots from my newest video.  The first is shown with a vignette, and the super-pink wall is actually just the magic of photoshop, though I am thinking pink lighting might be the ticket! The rest are just shown in normal, ubiquitous "rectangle" mode.  
Somebody described the sound as "an ultrasound with no audible heartbeat", an analogy that I quite enjoy, given the strange biological animation that lots of these (otherwise inanimate) items assume through the MAGIC OF FILM.  And of course, by film, I mean my shitty old point-and-shoot.

Monday, November 7, 2011

The circle of life

Hooray! Hooray! I just realized that I've inadvertently found myself making paintings once again! That means that it's meant to be!! =D

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Detail shots of my (sort of) installation.  Big BIG plans to elaborate upon this.

Friday, October 14, 2011