Sunday, September 11, 2011

Jungle Cat

This is one last remnant of summer, another animal friend- Jungle Cat! I painted him while on vacation in Vancouver Island.  I wish I were still there.  Anyways, I think deep down I have the potential for a successful career as a folk artist selling hand-painted plywood tchotchkies and decorative beadwork and handmade candles or something.  I could sequester myself right outside of Coombs market! Oh I like this idea already.  Anyways, I am back in the studio now, and maybe there will be some "real" new work to come, one of these days soon.

Oh, Jungle Cat, you vicious predator. Plus, look how poisonous you are! If you were a plant or a reptile, you would be just plum-deadly.  But you're not.  You're a Jungle Cat, therefore you are even more deadly.

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