Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Things to do: Formulate a proper artist statement by utilizing the following predetermined pool of adjectives.  (Sort of like Mad-Libs.)

"Spilling One's Eggsac"

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

This proves that I do work

In the studio: some of my hanging shiny things, foamy things, reflect-y things, highly toxic things, and other things that I enjoy.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

The fine line between hobbyist and hoarder

I love collecting things.
My collections can be described as the following: A pastiche of old lady paraphernalia, comic books, chinese fortunes, shiny objects, old perfume bottles, and tacky things.

Some things that I made and found

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Sassy sally: the inaugural voyage

Preface: I am utterly incompetent when it comes to technology, computers, anything with buttons and/or wires...

Hello! My blog URL is thesassysally, but my name isn't Sally. It's Michelle, though I am pretty sassy sometimes.  I am an artist who also enjoys writing things.  I also enjoy shiny, highly polished objects. I am like a crow.

Pictures coming soon.

Alright, bye.